Voice Over

Jodelle Boorady
Jodelle's versatile voice spans a spectrum of tones and sounds that are bound to be perfect for your project. Whether your vibe is warm, relaxing and soothing to upbeat and comedic, she’s got you covered. Jodelle has been singing as an alto since grammar school, is currently a voice teacher with the Linda Benanti Voice Studio and a singer-songwriter/pianist/composer. With a degree from the television-radio program at Ithaca College, she has been on both sides of the booth as a performer and engineer/producer/director.
- Neumann TLM 103
- Rode NT1-A
- Focusrite Scarlett 8 Pre
- Protools
- Universal Audio LA-610 MKII Tube Channel Strip
- Macbook Pro
- Source Connect
(973) 464-5427
Children's Book
Do birds dream? Are flowers ever sad? What Do Trees Think? is a whimsical story with watercolors and eye-opening activities that will help your little ones relate to animals and nature as living things like themselves.
Discover surprising wonders together. “Can trees talk?” “Are plants ticklish?” “Why do birds have backward toes?”
What Do Trees Think? is fun for toddlers through second grade!