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Two little notes from a bird inspired the music for our film

Dear Friends,

Two little notes from a bird inspired the music for our film.

I just had to share this story with you. Our composer Jodelle sent me a melody she was working on, asked me to take a listen and see if I liked it. She said she felt blocked, wasn't getting any ideas. Then she heard a bird singing the same 2 notes outside her window. She sat down at her piano and composed a beautiful melody around those 2 notes.

But what Jodelle didn't know was how much Mom loved birds. She had a big fountain in her back yard that she filled every day and she'd watch her birds come and bathe, throw them breadcrumbs. Listening to Jodelle's melody that day made me cry. Felt like maybe Mom's beloved birds were still singing for her.

We've added a new section to our campaign page called "Share Your Story." Because Alzheimer's affects all of us. Many of us either have a loved one suffering through the disease or know someone who is. In Share Your Story you can watch EJ, May, and Richard share their favorite memories of their mothers. If you'd like to share yours, let me know.

So please visit the page now and give to help us finish my mother's story. You could receive a download of Jodelle's beautiful score when it's completed.

Thank you for your kind support. We could not do this without you!

  • Much love,
  • Vicki

More about Vicki
